
Tip Jar Multi-site Search with DuckDuckGo

To search the content of more than one site at time, DuckDuckGo provides the site operator which can contain more than one domain. To search both Macdrifter and Hobosigns I created this Workflow for iOS. Prepending a search phrase with “site:macdrifter.com OR site:hobosigns.macdrifter.com” does the trick with a DDG search. Sites can even be across different TLDs. So, if you want to search 5 or 6 sites at once, consider a canned DDG cross site search.

Tip Jar Adding DEVONthink Folders to iOS Files Favorites

It took me a while to realize I could mark a folder in DEVONthink To Go as a favorite in the iOS Files app. This makes it very easy to quickly browse to content in the Files app which might be the best way to edit a file in DEVONthink. After adding DEVONthink as a source in the Files app, browse to a the level above the folder you want to add.

Tip Jar Groking Spotlight Settings in iOS

I still don’t really understand some of the iOS settings but one, in particular, has always baffled me: Spotlight.1 By default, every app installed automatically gets indexed by Spotlight. That’s not always great for search results. I find that many of my spotlight searches are contaminated by results from things I don’t want to see. Through trial and error, I think I figured out the consequences of Spotlight settings. I could be wrong, but this is what I observe.

Tip Jar Downloads in iCab for iOS

The iOS browser iCab has a dedicated download feature that makes collecting stuff from around the web very easy. Once an item is added to the download area of iCab, it still contains the source URL. Items are managed right within iCab and they can even be combined into a single zip file right within the app. iCab now supports iOS 11’s Drag and Drop feature but the easiest way to add items to the Download area is with the press and hold action sheet.