
Technical Difficulties with Dr. Drang Link

Talking to Dr. Drang is always a treat. In the latest episode of Technical Difficulties, the good doctor walks down memory lane and shares how he got started with computers. He shared some terrific stuff and the show notes are full of great images he provided. If you want more info about the delay with this episode, then check Erik’s post. Short version is that good notes take time, especially about topics outside of our own era.

Dawn Patrol 3 Link

4 nerds at the crack of dawn talking about big phones, bigger hands and perpetual motion cats. My saturday mornings are my favorite mornings.

Dawn Patrol

What do you do Saturday mornings between five and eight a.m.? My friends and I record a new podcast called Dawn Patrol. The show is essentially raw. It’s minimally edited and we talk about the kinds of things normal nerds talk about. The first episode is about hyper-fandom, lock-in and community. We don’t know the show direction until we’re recording and Erik, Bob, Potatowire and I are all different enough that it’s not just 4 people sitting around nodding in agreement.

Technical Difficulties Exploring Fastmail Link

We accidentally published a new episode of the Technical Difficulties podcast and this one is all about using Fastmail as an email service provider. I’m a big fan of their product and the idea of paying for a good email experience. Fastmail is constantly improving and just this week announced that they are caching images to help secure user information. Yup. I follow a blog for an email service. That’s how much I like them.

Technical Difficulties with Paper and Pen Link

We had a special guest on the show to talk about the value of sketching, thinking and working with paper and pen. Bob VanderClay, Erik and I hit on the pros and cons of digital notes and sketches but then it’s pretty much just a big show and tell of our favorite stuff.

Technical Difficulties with Vim

On this week’s Technical Difficulties we are joined by our dear friend and collaborator Potatowire to talk about his switch to Vim.1 I really know I should switch to Vim and Potatowire nearly convinced me. It’s one of those life changes that needs to actually fit with what’s going on in your life but that you’re glad you did. Vim has been on my someday list of things to learn for ages.

Technical Difficulties with Network Closets Link

On episode 76 of Technical Difficulties Erik and I talk about creating a network closet. Mine is only partly about the network. It’s also a sacred place for all of my super nerdy tools. In the show notes, I give a more in-depth run down of the kinds of things I keep in my network closet. It’s a pretty good list of my hardware kit. Man, I really love my toolbox.

Technical Difficulties with Home Automation Link

Here’s a glimpse into what it’s like to live in my house. At least I’m not alone in my neurotic endeavors. Bob VanderClay joined Erik and I on the show to talk about rewiring a house just to avoid flipping a light switch.

Difficulties with Passwords Link

As a nerd, one of the hardest things I do is to explain good password management to people that just consider them a nuisance. On the latest episode of Technical Difficulties Erik and I kick around the topic of passwords. We’re partial to 1Password but there are a lot of other good tools out there. The challenge remains getting people to use any of them as intended.

Reading and Technical Difficulties Link

There’s no show this week but last week Erik and I discussed how we read news, books, and blogs on the last episode of Technical Difficulties. You also get a bonus photo or Erik and I enjoying a tender moment.1 As usual, the audio is really just half of the material. The show notes are where the party is. Yup. Made me throw up a little too. ↩︎