
Consider Both Sides of Free Speech

There’s a lot of discussion about free speech lately.1 I happen to believe it is one of our greatest and most powerful rights as Americans and humans. As with everything, there are two sides to that grant of personal freedom. An appeals court just ruled on a case concerning off-label marketing of drugs. I don’t want to get into the rat-hole of tweezing apart what is off-label marketing and what is simply educating physicians about clinical data.

Inside the Hostess Bakery Link

I’m not going to try to substantiate this essay at The Daily Kos. Based on the other facts I’ve read, it appears plausible. I don’t consider myself pro or anti-union. I just think both management and staff should work together towards a common mutually beneficial and sustainable business.1 Oh, and it’s also a good goal to try not to be a human being that feeds on the misery of others.

Politics and Cupcakes Link

Stacie at One Hungry Mama I believe that our election results show that we are moving. It’s hard, there’s a long road ahead, there will be resistance (some of it shocking) and, sadly, I think our journey will be slow going. But we’re moving. We’re moving towards a deeper understanding of who we are and, as we do, we’re holding true to the ideals that brought my parents here in the first place.

Ballotpedia Link

If you want to take the time to read and understand the laws and officials that just changed here in the US, Ballotpedia is a very good non-partisan source.

We're Fucking Crazy Link

deadline.com: What does it say about us when we are simultaneously pro-life and pro AK-47′s? What does it say about us when God’s will would allow a rapist to ask for shared custody and child support payments? By Way of wilwheaton

Zomney Link

Maybe the best Romney endorsement I have seen.

Equal Rights Speech Link

Watch this tirade about equal rights for same-sex couples. Sit through the whole thing. If you’re like me, you will begin to feel angry. Just stick with it.

Purple Slime Link

Apparently the Pantone color 2685C can only be used to sell “chocolate” by Cadbury (Kraft Foods). I call dibs on Pantone 426 for text on a web page. By way of Swiss Miss