
MailMate to MailHub Link

Dr. Drang moved back to Apple Mail (for now). While I still use MailMate everyday, I pretty much agree with all of his comments. MailHub could feel like magic and I still miss its intelligence. I wrote about my affection back in 2013. I’m sticking with MailMate because my muscle memory wins over the convenience functions of Apple Mail plugins (for now).

Python's New Secrets Module Link

Python 3.6 adds a new module for creating random values for cryptographic secrets. For example, this call: secrets.token_urlsafe(16) generates this unique string: ‘5t_jLGlV8yp2Q5tolvBesQ’ Now, if only I could get all of my scripts moved off of Python 2.7 I’d be in business.

Americans and Cybersecurity Link

A new study out last month from the Pew Research Center show that americans understand the security risks online but are pretty bad at protecting themselves. The survey also finds that Americans are not always vigilant in the context of mobile security. For instance, 28% of smartphone owners report that they do not use a screen lock or other security features in order to access their phone, while around one-in-ten report that they never install updates to their smartphone’s apps or operating system.

Lanham Photo Wallpapers Link

I absolutely love David Lanham’s artwork. I’ve had a Lanham illustration as my desktop for many years. My daughter’s room is decorated with his framed prints. He has a unique eye that fits within the world of Miyazaki. Now he has a new collection of wallpapers created from his personally photography and I couldn’t be happier to pay five bucks for it. There are 36 different photos formatted for the Mac, iPhone, and iPad screens.

The OmniFocus Streaming Field Guide Link

I’ve rewatched David’s entire series on Vimeo and it’s great. It works everywhere Vimeo works plus you can still download the videos if you want. As with GTD itself, I find that an annual OmniFocus refresher is time well spent.

Alexa Gains Plex Access Link

From the Plex blog: Think of it as a way to have events in Plex affect the outside world. We’ve made it so that any media playback event or media rating event can trigger a webhook. If you’re into home automation, you know how cool and powerful this can be: dim the lights when you start a movie, or send a tweet after you finish an episode of Scandal. Working with other home automation tools, you can even have Plex turn on your A/V receiver or close your smart drapes automatically as you sit down for an evening of Plexing.

Paul Ryan 1970-20?? Link

Andy Ihnatko is a word smith extraordinaire: “He used to be an impatient, Type-A kind of guy, with a hairtrigger temper. But the knowledge that he was personally responsible for tens of millions of men, women, and children dying or living the rest of their lives struggling against crippling debt gave him a center of peace and joy. His only regret was that he would never know the exact number.

The 2016 Apple Report Card Link

I was honored (and a bit surprised) to be invited as a participant in the Six Colors 2016 Apple report card. If it’s not obvious, I think Apple is killing it with the iPhone. In other areas, well, you should read the report card. What I love about the Six Colors summary is that the responses are so diverse in what they care about. It also shows that you can be a fan without being mindless.

KFC Facial Recognition Trial Link

Really, what could go wrong here: the system would tell a male customer in his early 20s to order a set meal of crispy chicken hamburger, roasted chicken wings and coke for lunch, while a female customer in her 50s would get a recommendation of porridge and soybean milk for breakfast. This is probably the future whether we like it or not. Face and voice recognition is reaching a tipping point where documenting and influencing individuals without consent is trivial.