
Instapaper Offer

Following up on my article about Readability, I’ve decided to do something that costs me some dough but puts my money where my mouth is. I like Instapaper. I think it serves an important purpose. So I am going to give away 3 copies of Instapaper for iOS, out of my own pocket.1 Nice people have donated money to this site, so I’m giving some back.2 If you want a copy of Instapaper, then give me your opinion of these time-shifting reader services in the comments to this post.

Readability and Macdrifter

A couple people have asked me about Readability for this site. I think it’s great that people want to use something like Readability to support websites they like. I do not plan to join Readability for payments. I’m against the idea of someone creating an agency to represent people that never asked for it.1 I do not think they are being evil. I will, however, pose this scenario to consider:

Weekly Instapaper

I’m including a new class of post today. Here is a view into my weekly Instapaper Liked articles. They are wide ranging topics and some slant more political than this site. If you are not an Instapaper user then this is the only way to follow my Liked articles. But seriously, just signup of an account. Better yet, buy a premium account and support a wonderful service. A new era is only a new state of mind Amazon’s $23,698,655.