
Editorial Workflow Find and Replace with Confirmation

These are two new workflows from Ole Zorn based on something rather crappy that I made. These workflows offer an iterative find and replace (with RegEx matching) that displays a dialog for each match. Typically I don’t trust a blind find and replace so these are more useful to me. This one shows the confirmation dialog as a popup alert. The alert obscures a bit of the text but it does the job.

Markdown to iThoughtsHD for Editorial Link

Rob Trew put together a great Editorial workflow for converting a Markdown outline into a tab-indented outline for iThoughtsHD. The really amazing bit is that it preserves Markdown headings, tabbed lists and code blocks.

Editorial Workflow for Sizing and Uploading Images

I’ve posted previously about my Pythonista workflow for resizing and uploading images to my FTP host for Macdrifter.1 I translated this workflow for Editorial but decided that wasn’t much of a challenge. I rewrote the workflow to upload to the Macdrifter host by SFTP. This had a number of interesting quirks but if you just want to download the workflow and figure it out, you can get it here.2 The workflow has two options:

Editorial Show Clipboard Workflow

This is a small utility workflow for Editorial to display the current clipboard contents in the console. But I don’t want to just see text. If there’s an image on the clipboard, I want to see that too. This workflow handles that. I’ve chosen not to clear the console with each run. I like to use the console like a little scratch log as I work. Feel free to change that behavior if you prefer a clean console each time.

Editorial Copy Document Workflow

Occasionally I’ll start a document in the local Editorial file storage and want to upload it to Dropbox. Sometimes it’s the other way around. This workflow copies the current local file to Dropbox or the current Dropbox document to the local storage in Editorial. It’s smart enough to know which option is appropriate. The code for copying the file is actually pretty simple. The trick is figuring out where the file currently lives.

Password Handling in Editorial Scripts

The ability to share elaborate and fully customized workflows in Editorial is great. Embedding Python code is awesome. Accidentally sharing your user credentials that are hard coded in an Editorial workflow is neither great or awesome. Editorial and Pythonista provide its own version of a keychain.1 If you are making workflows that require login credentials, I highly suggest using the Keychain module. Here’s how. CautionThe Keychain module is great for convenience.

Secondary Pythonista Link

AppStorm has a very good series about programming Python in Pythonista. If you are just getting into Editorial then you really want to catch up on this series as well as their introduction, Pythonista 101.

Create New Time Stamped Files in Editorial

Here are a pair of Editorial macros that do something very simple that I find extremely useful. They create a new file in Dropbox titled with a time stamp. The first one just names the file with the current time stamp and adds a date header. The next one asks for a title, appends the time stamp and then creates the new Dropbox file. It also creates a title header with just the user entered title and a date header with the time stamp.

Editorial SFTP Workflows

I’m back from vacation and so is this site. To get the life juices flowing, I’m sharing my SFTP workflows for Editorial.1 I use this first one to edit posts I’ve already uploaded to my host. It reads the first 20 text files in my Pelican raw text file directory and shows them sorted by modification time stamp. Tapping one in the list downloads it to the Editorial local file storage for editing.