
Markdown References with Keyboard Maestro

I have been recently shifting a large chunk of my TextExpander snippets to Keyboard Maestro. I still plan to use TextExpander for basic snippet expansion but I find the depth of Keyboard Maestro allows me to build custom tailored tools that fit their intended uses much better. For example, here a juiced up version of a snippet for inserting Markdown references from Safari. First, here's what my TextExpander snippet did:

Python to AppleScript

I guess I’ve reached a transition. I started doing serious programming in AppleScript many years ago. But now I need this guide to write AppleScript effectively. I spent so much time in Python that I suck at AppleScript now. That’s how I like it.

More Fun With Markdown Text Services

I couldn’t resist. Here are some more generic solutions for text processing via the Services Menu. Create an Automator Services project that accepts text and replaces the selection with the result as shown. Add a “Run AppleScript” step to the workflow. Here’s the AppleScript to convert a selection of text to a bulleted Markdown list: [cc lang=“applescript”] on run {input, parameters} set inputString to input as string set newList to {} set myString to paragraphs of inputString repeat with myItem in myString set NewItem to “- " & myItem set end of newList to NewItem end repeat set AppleScript’s text item delimiters to " " set combinedList to newList as text

AppleScript in Lion

Nice round-up of the new features in AppleScript for Lion. Looks like Cocoa/ObjC is more exposed to AppleScript than ever. That includes a new template for Cocoa-AppleScript applets. I'm going to have some fun with this.


I love this stuff. Another OmniFocus CLI. Typical amazing and clever work by Brett Terpestra. This is the second OmniFocus CLI in the past month. Something tells me the Omni Group should be working on a blessed version.

Veritrope AppleScript Archives link

I stumbled across Veritrope while researching some OmniFocus AppleScript-ing. It has a number of generally useful scripts. It's chock full of examples, tips and resources of all kinds.