Evernote Evolution

The Evernote developer conference is just wrapping up and the news this year is about the Skitch redesign, integration with Post-It notepads and the Evernote Marketplace. It’s interesting to see how a nerd tool like Evernote breaks through into the mainstream and I think they are doing the right thing embracing the Post-It Note legacy. It’s smart.

Brett Kelly is also smart. He consistently times his updates to Evernote Essentials to hit the virtual streets right when Evernote makes major changes. That means that his eBook is always the best way to update your understanding of Evernote. It’s not a tedious manual as much as it is an entertaining walkthrough of making Evernote work.

Here’s a suggestion: Sign your parents up for a year of Evernote and then drop in a PDF version of Brett’s book. Now they have everything they need to start getting rid of all of those scraps stuck to the front of their fridge. They’ll think you’re a genius for giving them this little combo.