Growly Notes Link

Growly Notes is a free mac app for rich notes. It’s a very nice app and it is completely free. In fact, all of the Growly software is free which is what caught my attention. Their FAQ is quite interesting.

Our developer has been writing custom Macintosh software for himself and his family since 1984. Over the years we’ve contemplated selling these great programs, but never quite got around to it. In December 2010, we decided to stop hoarding them and offer them FREE to anyone who can use them.

Our goal has always been to create simple, inexpensive applications that solve real-world problems. But we don’t really want to run a business; we have lots more fun things to do, like coding and playing with our birds. Instead of struggling with marketing and all that stuff that we are not trained for, we decided to sidestep the issue and give the apps away.

The FAQ is actually quite funny and worth a quick read.

By way of CNET (but you probably don’t want to load their page)