Steven Wolfram By the Numbers

There are so many things I love about this post by Stephen Wolfram.

First, this is a guy that does what he loves and loves what he does. He's all about data. He didn't just come up with a big idea to attract VC money. He is truly passionate about squeezing data until it squeals.

Second, he's as hardworking as anyone I could find, yet he consistently sits down and has dinner with his family every night. It's not just an ideal, it's a fact. His data reveals that the only consistently quiescent time of his past twenty years is when he segregates time for his family dinner. He has given me a new life goal.

Third, he is committed to an ideal. Sure, I've tracked my activity. Sure, I've done some stats on my computer usage. Steven is the real deal. He meticulously tracked every email, every key stroke and every meeting over the past DECADE. This is someone that finishes what he starts. I admire that.

By way of BoingBoing