Instapaper Offer

Following up on my article about Readability, I’ve decided to do something that costs me some dough but puts my money where my mouth is. I like Instapaper. I think it serves an important purpose. So I am going to give away 3 copies of Instapaper for iOS, out of my own pocket.1 Nice people have donated money to this site, so I’m giving some back.2

If you want a copy of Instapaper, then give me your opinion of these time-shifting reader services in the comments to this post. Use your real email address when you register, so I can gift the app to you.

The Rules

I’ll only give away 3 copies. I’ll pick the recipients by Sunday, March 11th. I can only read English. I can’t send an iTunes gift to an anonymous commenter. I won’t spam you or give out your email.

You don’t have to agree with me, you just need to be coherent and considerate.



    <li id="fn:try">Or at least I'm going to try. I'm just going to do an iTunes App gift to three people. I may screw it up. <a href="#fnref:try" rev="footnote">↩</a></li>
    <li id="fn:1">You didn't really think I drank <em>that</em> much beer did you? Ok, I do. <a href="#fnref:1" rev="footnote">↩</a></li>