Simpler Affiliate Links

I have a new saying: “If you want something done right, just pique Dr.Drang’s interest.” There’s been constant improvement to this workflow and it’s interesting to see it evolve.

Here’s a bonus macro that creates Amazon affiliate links.[1] For this one, just copy the product link from Amazon and run the macro to extract the product item and create an affiliate link.[2]

Amazon Macro

Here’s the workflow:

  1. Visit an Amazon product page
  2. Copy the page link
  3. Switch back to a document I want the link inserted in
  4. Run the macro to have the affiliate link pasted in

Here’s the AppleScript:

tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"


        set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters -- save their current state

        set myClip to (process tokens "%Variable%tempClip%")

        if myClip does not contain "/dp/" and myClip does not contain "/product/" then

            return "Did Not Find An Amazon Link"


            if myClip contains "/dp/" then

                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/dp/"

            end if

            if myClip contains "/product/" then

                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/product/"

            end if

            set tempString to text item 2 of myClip

            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"

            set tempString to text item 1 of tempString

            return tempString

        end if

        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims -- restore them

	on error

        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims -- restore them in case something went wrong

	end try

end tell


When I’m logged into Amazon, the product page link has a different structure. The AppleScript needs to determine what kind of link I’ve copied. From what I can tell, Amazon product links have either a path that includes “/product/” or “/dp/” right before the product id. That’s what the AppleScript if-else statements are determining.

This macro also has an example of the Keyboard Maestro flow-control actions. If the AppleScript returns a failure, then KM will display a popup message rather than inserting text.

EDIT: I just realized, after using this macro for so long, that I forgot to include a try-catch block to reset AppleScript’s text delimiters. That’s just dumb.

  1. I’m not posting this to ellicit more work from Dr.Drang and Brett Terpstra. This is working well enough for me. Really guys, thanks for all the work.  ↩

  2. You’ll need to replace my affiliate link with your own, unless you just want to be extra generous to me.  ↩