Alfred 2 Workflows I Use

I’m slowly making the move from LaunchBar to Alfred 2. I’ve found a number of creative and highly useful workflows to smooth my transition.

I love this Wolfram Alpha workflow. It requires a Wolfram AppID to get live results, but it’s worth the effort.

Sean Korzdorfer has a number of really nice workflows. I particularly like his OneLook workflow. This provides three options: a quick definition:

A reverse lookup:

Or an advanced OneLook query with wildcards:

Pedro Lobo created a set of interesting Mail actions. Unfortunately this is a bit buggy and slow for me with my dozens of mailbox folders. Still, it’s a nice demonstration.

Recents and Favorites by Carlos-Sz on the Alfred forum is really nice.

Alfred Dev Doctor is a great resource for searching many, many language and framework docs. There’s built in autosuggest, which is the main reason to use it. It supports Python, JS, jquery, php, html, css, node, rails, haskell, erlang, c, ruby, flask, .net, java. Ok, you get the idea. It can even search Github

Matt Gemmell created a workflow for quickly creating new text files with reconfigured slugs, which is similar to an earlier example from David Ferguson

Speaking of David Ferguson, he has a lot of really great example workflows. His migrate tool should come standard with Alfred 2. It migrates all of your custom searches and snippets from Alfred 1. There’s also his wonderful little Lipsum workflow that can insert specific amounts and kinds of Lorem Ipsum. Type lipsum 25 to get 25 words of lorem ipsum.

David has so many workflows that are great, I can’t just list a few and do him justice. Check them all out.

PHPFunk has several, very geeky, workflows like the Instant Cosby workflow.

Finally, Alfred Workflows is a large list of Alfred Workflows. They are not all as sophisticated as some of the others in this list, but it’s still a nice starting place.