The NEC 3090WQXi Monitor

Just a quick post to praise the 30" monitor that has been in daily use on my desk for five years1 without a single problem.

The poetically named NEC LCD3090WQXi display is a beast. But it is a beautiful beast. Every pixel is bright and accurate. The hardware controls are easy to access and actually work. There are built in power saving modes to power down the display after a finite amount of time. Finally, “The Beast” pivots to portrait mode (my preferred orientation as a secondary monitor) with little effort. I paid a grotesque amount for it when it first came out. As the Macworld review shows, it was $2,200. But, as the Macworld review shows, it was worth it.

The brightness and colors are still excellent. I have not had any need for service. If this old boy ever dies, I will replace it with another NEC without even thinking about it.

    <li id="fn:2007">I'm almost positive I bought it at the end of 2006 before the holidays. I bought my Mac Pro in 2006 and the monitor followed shortly after. <a title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text" href="#fnref:2007" rev="footnote">↩</a></li>