Markdown Bullets

If you write in Markdown then you are well acquainted with the idea of alternative convenience tags. For example, creating links in-line or by reference. You can also create headings with just leading hash symbols ('#') or by enclosing the text in matching hashes. One convenience option I regularly take advantage of is the un-ordered list tag. In Markdown, both the asterisk ('*') and the dash ('-') symbols can be used for indicating un-ordered list items.

Previously, I alternated between asterisks and dashes to provide a bit more readability to the text. For example

* Get a life

    - Leave the house more

    - Shower more frequently

    - Rethink the codpeice as a fashion statement

* Business Plan

    - The 7 minute abs

    - The 10 minute work week

    - Macrame codpeices

* Profit

However, I found that the asterisks cause issues for importing these lists into a small variety of applications on the Mac and Windows. Rather than troubleshoot and remember which apps support asterisk list bullets, I’ve decided to stick with the dash pre-pended lists. So now my agenda looks like this:

- Get a life

    - Leave the house more

    - Shower more frequently

    - Rethink the codpeice as a fashion statement

- Business Plan

    - The 7 minute abs

    - The 10 minute work week

    - Macrame codpeices

- Profit