Will the Mac Pro ever get Parallel?

One of the biggest disappointments about the Mac Pro, is that it will not run Parallels. Oh you can install it and setup a VM, but if you try to RUN the VM then it just crashes. As most Mac users are aware, Apple Macs do have crashes. 90% of them are related to poor programing, not to Apple issues. This is one of them.
I've contacted Parallels manufacturer, um...Parallels. Each time I have been told that they are working on a patch. That still doesn't solve the problem that I paid $85 for something that I was told by the Apple employees would work great on the Mac Pro and no where on the Parallels box or website does it even mention issues with the Mac Pro. I've also tried installing the Parallels Beta version in case I just need the bleeding edge of virtualization. Still no luck. I'm really kind of pissed. I don't consider multi-booting with Bootcamp a desirable alternative. I don't want it for gaming. I need some specific MS compatible programs. Besides, virtualization is just plain cool.
I suppose I should be patient for the patch, but with all of the press Parallels has received (especially from Apple) you would think that they would have been prepared/anxious for the fastest Apple Mac ever. Maybe I should give Q a try and see if I can get my money back for an opened software box.

WARNING: Parallels VM causes a grey-box-of-death crash. It immediately locks the entire system and forces a restart.

As a Mac user, this is rare and particularly unsettling. As a PC user, it's just another day. Since I'm both, I just restart, sigh, and keep working.

Update: Paralles have released RC2 which now fully supports the Mac Pro. See this post. Most of the issues with kernel panics have been solved as of their recent beta release.

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